A sustainable, ethical food supply
Social responsibility
MWT Foods is committed to the sustainable and responsible supply of food. Ethical sourcing is integral to all our business decisions.
We follow the internationally recognised Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code and are members of SEDEX, as are many of our supply partners. We choose to partner with reputable companies who demonstrate high social and environmental standards, and commit to the ETI Base Code.
In practice, this means:
- We don’t source food that supports children working instead of schooling.
- We source only from safe and hygienic working environments.
- There is no discrimination practiced for any reason.
- Conditions, hours and wages are fair and reasonable.
- We proactively partner with companies who contribute to the ongoing success of their local communities.
Giving back
We are proud to be closely involved supporters of wonderful organisations who directly contribute to the environment, economies and communities where we source food in Australia and all around the world.

Isle De Coco Foundation
The Isle De Coco Foundation (IDC) also stands for ‘Integrity, Development and Community’. This organisation is dedicated to improving the lives of the coconut farming community in the Philippines. It was founded by the Sio family of Primex Coco Products, MWT Foods’ trusted supplier of coconut products.
MWT Foods proudly supports the IDC to:
- Offer free medical, dental and eye checks, to farmers and their families
- Supply farmers with protective equipment and tools
- Enable farmers to attend festivities, holidays and fiestas
- Supply new seedlings enabling farmers to regenerate ageing crops
- Run the Wishes for Farmers fund, supporting individual farmers in unique and specific ways.

Loreto Vietnam
The Warings are long-time supporters of the Loreto Vietnam Australia Program. The organisation is dedicated to improving infrastructure within schools in Vietnam’s most underprivileged communities, through building or renovating classrooms, libraries, computer rooms, multipurpose rooms and sanitary toilet facilities.
Australian Trish Franklin founded Loreto Vietnam in 1997. She was a dear friend of the late John Waring, father of Michael, Christopher and Andrew. MWT Foods is proud to continue this friendship and support in Vietnam, where we also enjoy strong and trusted business partnerships.
Arnott’s Foundation, Australia
MWT Foods has been supporting the Arnott’s Foundation for more than a decade. The Foundation has a focus on contributing to families and communities around Australia. It is a major supporter of the following initiatives:
- Camp Quality, creating a better life for Australian children living with cancer
- Foodbank Australia, donating food to families in need
- Driver Reviver, a network of volunteers helping to reduce the road toll
- Fairy Sparkle, building ‘Fairy Gardens’ at hospitals to create a sanctuary for child patients and their families
- Aussie Helpers, providing financial support and counselling services to farmers.
Food industry expertise
Our team of industry experts are passionate about safe food and premium service.
Food supply solutions
We specialise in delivering tailored solutions for our customers.
Supporting food producers
For suppliers, we offer strong representation in the global market.
Contact us to talk about food supply solutions for your business.
MWT Foods works in partnership with buyers and suppliers to develop responsible, sustainable food supply solutions.